Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Never Forget Your True Self

I love this time of year because I can go to the beach after work and still have lots of daylight left. One of my favorite places to go in the evenings is Matanzas Inlet. During the week, there usually isn't many people there and you feel like you have the entire inlet to yourself.


I've been more consistent about taking my camera with me when I go places. One of the reasons I chose to focus on photography for the A to Z Challenge was to motivate myself to make photography a part of me again. I want my camera to be an extension of my body. I had forgotten how amazing this feels.

As I was standing on this wooden ramp at the inlet, I leaned over the railing, looked down at my teal-colored toes and focused on the camera hanging from my hand. Because of the way I was leaning, the strap was almost touching my feet. I had this amazing moment where I remembered how natural it feels to hold a camera and want to capture every moment and everything around me. I can't believe I allowed myself to forget this.

I felt like I could hold my camera forever. That I didn't ever want to let go. I wanted to capture shots of the dunes and the horizon as well as footprints in the sand, birds gliding by, how the sun was reflecting on the water, fallen palm trees, clouds in the sky - I couldn't stop. My eyes were opened and I was taking everything in. My camera is how I capture unique moments. Moments that pass much too quickly and become beautiful memories that I capture with my Olympus.

God is everything. When I take photographs, it's like I'm capturing His presence and being my true self at the same time. This is what I will never again forget.

*I'm participating in the 2013 A to Z Challenge. Every day in April (except for Sundays) I will be posting according to a letter of the Alphabet. To read more about my theme, click here.


  1. Nice! I've been forgetting my camera lately what with the new job and schedule! Thanks for reminding me to remember!

    1. I've been known not to bring my camera with me b/c I don't feel like carrying the extra weight in my purse. Really? It's not like I'm weak or anything. I have no idea why I do this.
