Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am tired.  And in dire need of some rest and rejuvenation as well as lots of sleep.  Zzzz.  Don't you just feel like laying out a blanket and taking a nap here?  Zzzz.  I sure do.

I might just do that.  I'm officially on vacation for two weeks (except for the three days that I'm at a conference) and I couldn't be more excited.  I'm going to use these two weeks to rest, rejuvenate, have fun, enjoy every second with my husband, take my dog to the beach a lot, go fishing and canoeing, make a scrapbook for my grandpa's birthday, get back to doing yoga, take long bike rides, read a few books, go on photo shoots and take naps.  Yeah! 

I hope that all of you participating in the A to Z Challenge get some rest, too.  Way to go everyone!

*I'm participating in the 2013 A to Z Challenge. Every day in April (except for Sundays) I will be posting according to a letter of the Alphabet. To read more about my theme, click here.


  1. It has certainly been a long April relatively speaking! Enjoy your rest and relaxation!

  2. And you deserve a vacation and the zzz's.

    Congrats on finishing the A-Z.

  3. Enjoy! And congrats on finishing the A-Z! :)

  4. I love it...zzzzz :-)

    I hope you enjoy your vacation! Sounds like fun.

  5. Enjoy, Jaime. I recommend reading "Jesus Calling" during this time: http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Calling-Enjoying-Peace-Presence/dp/1591451884

    I cannot start my day without it :)

    1. I'll definitely check this out. Thank you!

  6. I am envious of your vacation. I need one of those!

  7. It's been wonderful. It went by way too fast, though. The weird thing is that you don't realize how much you need a vacation until you take one.
