Friday, April 26, 2013

Waiting at the Dock

The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and exalts.
1 Samuel 2:7
Sometimes, I feel like I am waiting.  Waiting for the next chapter of my life.  Waiting to be better compensated for my hard work.  Waiting to grow my family.  Waiting for my dreams to come true.  Waiting for. . .
I think that we could always finish this sentence.  There's always something more, something else.  We're human after all.  We are driven, ambitious, always racing to the finish line.  It is not in our nature to be still.
Waiting at the dock isn't so bad, though.  This is when we get our bearings.  It's a time for rest and recuperation.  This is when we stretch and get our equilibrium.  Waiting is a necessary part of life.  It is when we become humble.  It is a time in our lives when we learn lessons that allow us to empathize with others.  Times of waiting make it possible for us to foster creativity and embrace uncertainty.  We can practice being still and quiet and reflective.   
*I'm participating in the 2013 A to Z Challenge. Every day in April (except for Sundays) I will be posting according to a letter of the Alphabet. To read more about my theme, click here.


  1. Waiting is difficult for me and my ADHD. But the best part of life are often found in waiting.

  2. I think I'm about "docked" and waiting right now. Or need to be soon. :)

    1. It's good when we know the time is right for us.

  3. I love the waiting, the anticipation of what might happen next. It's a great time for reflection, which we all need.

  4. We are always waiting on something, right? Lovely post! Waiting at the dock.....sweet image!

    Texas Playwright Chick

  5. I really appreciated your Waiting at the Dock scene. I'm actually an extremely patient person (maybe even too patient!), but I don't like the feeling when I'm waiting for something to happen that I want to happen. It's often under my control and I just need to do the thing or start it or at least get moving. I wrote about this a bit in Waiting for Change. That said, it's hard to wait for the things you really want. It's easy to wait ... at the dentist's office for a root canal. :-)

    Bradley Charbonneau's Pass the Sour Cream A-Z Challenge.

  6. Waiting defiantly needs patience, but sometimes we can do more and speed things up..lit depends on the situation I guess. Real cute waiting at the dock picture by the way :)

  7. I'm not good at waiting. That's really something I need to work on.

    1. Patience is not an easy skill to learn - it takes lots of practice. I practice all the time:)
